Browsing by Researcher/Guide Karak, Niranjan

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
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26-Feb-20242024Bio-based Epoxy Thermosets and Their CompositesBorah, NobomiKarak, Niranjan
28-Dec-20232023Biobased superabsorbent hydrogels and their potential applicationsBora, AshokKarak, Niranjan
10-May-20162014Biodegradable hyperbranched polyurethane nanocomposites for biomedical applicationDas, BeautyKarak, Niranjan
3-May-20162013Development of Mesua ferrea L. seed oil based polyurethane resinsDutta, SuvangshuKarak, Niranjan
4-May-20162010Development of polyester nanocompositesKonwar, UdayKarak, Niranjan
6-May-20162010Development of polyurethane nanocompositesDeka, HarekrishnaKarak, Niranjan
6-May-20162008Development of s-triazine based hyperbranched aromatic polyaminesMahapatra, Sibdas SinghaKarak, Niranjan
14-Feb-2019Apr-2015Development of tough hyperbranched epoxy nanocompositesDe, BibekanandaKarak, Niranjan
15-Feb-2019Jul-2016Environmentally benign hyperbranched polyurethane nanocomposites and their applicationsGogoi, SatyabratKarak, Niranjan
7-Apr-20162015Hyperbranched epoxy nanocomposites for biomedical applicationsBarua, ShaswatKarak, Niranjan
6-Jan-201812-Dec-2012Hyperbranched polyamine as a flame retardant additive for waste polythyleneKonwar, AchyutKarak, Niranjan
3-May-20162012Hyperbranched polyether based epoxy nanocompositesRoy, BuddhadebKarak, Niranjan
10-May-20162013Hyperbranched polyurethane nanocomposites as shape memory materialsKalita, HemjyotiKarak, Niranjan
14-Feb-2019Aug-2015Hyperbranched polyurethane/graphene nanocomposites and their potential applicationsThakur, SumanKarak, Niranjan
8-Jan-20188-May-2012Methyl ester of castor oil: a promising biodieselBaruah, SwagataKarak, Niranjan
6-Jan-201812-Dec-2012Modification of bitumen by waste polymer and nono fly ashBorkotoky, Shasankar SekharKarak, Niranjan
30-May-2022Jan-2019Nanocomposites of Bio-Derived Waterborne Hyperbranched Polyester and Carbon-Based NanomaterialsHazarika, DeepshikhaKarak, Niranjan
7-Apr-20162013Polymer assisted nanomaterials immobilized biomolecules and their potential applicationsKonwarh, RocktotpalKarak, Niranjan
28-Aug-20232023Polysaccharide-based hydrogels and their potential applicationsSarmah, DimpeeKarak, Niranjan
15-Sep-2022Nov-2019Renewable resources derived hyperbranched polyurethane nanocomposites for multi-faceted applicationsBayan, RajarshiKarak, Niranjan