Theses : [16] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Upload DateAward DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
5-Feb-20252024School Market and Medium of Instruction: A study of Assamese medium private schools in Kamrup Metropolitan district of AssamMedhi, DigantarajGoswami, Nirmali
5-Feb-20252024Everyday Life, Agency, and Informal Work: A Study of Waste Pickers in Guwahati City of AssamDeka, DenimDas, Amiya Kumar
5-Feb-20252024Religion in Electoral Politics: A Study on the Shifting Trends of Voting Behaviour Towards BJP in AssamHazarika, HirankuKikhi, Kedilezo
30-Jul-20242024Religious Practices and Agency: A Study of the Female Ritual Specialists in the Tiwa Society of Central AssamPatar, MaitrayeeGoswami, Nirmali
24-Jun-20242024Urban Land Governance and Informalities in a Post-Colonial Frontier: A Study on Urbanisation in Itanagar, Arunachal PradeshBorgohain, BhaswatiSharma, Chandan Kumar
3-Jun-20242024Imprisonment and Women: A Sociological StudyDowerah, Silpi SikhaDeka, Rabin; Das, Sarmistha
30-Nov-20232023Social Construction of Self and Identity among the Muslim Women in Sonitpur District of AssamQurashi, Kausar-
19-Jun-20232023Paid Domestic Work: Construction and Negotiation on the Spatial Dynamics of Employer-Domestic Relationship in GuwahatiTalukdar, ShrutiKikhi, Kedilezo
19-Jun-20232023Education, Nation and Gender: Group Identities Within Schools in Nagaon District of AssamBhuyan, NavarupaGoswami, Nirmali
19-Jun-20232023Governance of Disaster: Floods, Adaptation and Dwelling in Dhemaji District of AssamDutta, MridusmitaDas, Amiya Kumar
19-Jun-20232023Urbanization of Guwahati City Changing Dynamics of Urban Space and GovernanceHazarika, NatashaSharma, Chandan Kumar
30-Mar-20232023Mining, Migration and Motherhood in the Pnar HillsKhanikar, UpashanaKikhi, Kedilezo
7-Jan-2019Dec-2016Matriliny and Folk Media: a Study of the Khasis of MeghalayaDutta, PiyashiKikhi, Kedilezo
5-Apr-20182017Socio-cultural influences on mental health: a study on women of AssamChoudhury, NandaraniKikhi, Kedilezo
20-May-20162014Sociology of governance: a study in Sonitpur district of AssamDas, Amiya KumarSharma, Chandan Kumar
16-May-20162012Issues of conservation and livelihood among the forest villagers in the Nameri area of AssamSarma, IndraniSharma, Chandan Kumar
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16